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Situational Travel French
Welcome to Real French for Travelers! Part 2 Situational Travel French
Orientation to the Course (6:14)
Workbook and Resource Vault
Introduction to Part 2 (0:39)
Section Four: Weather, Leisure, and Transportation
4:1 Numbers 32-100 and Beyond (8:06)
4:2 Telling Time (6:12)
4:3 Irregular Verbs (Text) (1:10)
4:4 The Verb Faire (To Make or Do) (11:29)
Listening Practice 1 (9:31)
QuickStart Phrases 4 (3:11)
Section Five: Shopping and Daily Needs
5:1 Shopping in France (11:12)
5:2 Comparisons (18:35)
5:3 Expressing Possibilities, Obligations, and Desires (9:38)
5:4 Direct Objects (5:25)
5:5 Indirect Objects (5:07)
Listening Practice 2 (6:44)
QuickStart Phrases 5 (3:12)
Section Six: Conversations and Using the Past Tense
6:1 Making Simple Conversations and Family Vocabulary (11:02)
6:2 The Past Tense (Part 1) with Avoir (9:45)
6:3 The Past Tense (Part 2) with ĂȘtre (10:42)
Listening Practice 3 and Conclusion (12:58)
5:2 Comparisons
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